Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve (BTR) Management issued a show cause notice to a gypsy driver and a guide after a purported video of them having a booze party with tourists in the vehicle itself during safari surfaced, an official said on Monday.
The video is said to be of January 14 and tourists can be seen consuming liquor during the safari at the Magadhi Zone in the BTR. The management sought a reply to the notice. According to the show-cause notice issued dated January 19, "On the evening of January 14, driver Vinod Yadav and guide Uma Dutt went with tourists to the Magadhi Zone for safari. Upon reviewing a viral video, it has been observed that during the safari, you were consuming alcohol along with the tourists in the vehicle. Your actions have tarnished the image of Bandhavgarh." As a guide, it is his responsibility to ensure that no unethical activities take place during the safari by either the tourists or the vehicle driver. The video clearly shows that he was drinking alcohol with the tourists in the evening despite being aware that the consumption of intoxicating substances is strictly prohibited within the BTR area, the notice further read. Furthermore, no information regarding such an incident was provided at the tourism gate, nor was any report made to the office stating that alcohol was consumed during the safari. "These actions are in violation of the tourism rules and the directives issued by the BTR management. Therefore, driver, guide and their vehicle are hereby prohibited from operating until further notice," it added. Additionally, they are required to submit a clarification regarding this matter within 24 hours of receiving the notice. If the clarification is unsatisfactory, appropriate action will be taken as per tourism regulations, it further added. Besides, the BTR director has ordered a thorough investigation into the matter and restricted the entrance of the driver and guide till they submit a reply to the notice. "Director of BTR instructed the range officer and tourism officer to thoroughly investigate the matter. A show-cause has also been issued to the driver and guide in the matter and sought reply within 24 hours from them. The gypsy driver and guide has been restricted to enter inside the Magadhi Tourism Zone till they submit the reply," Deputy Director of BTR, P K Verma told ANI. "Along with this, an investigation about the tourists is also being done and if any fault of the tourists comes to light, then action will be taken against them as well," he added. Further investigation into the matter is underway, he added. (ANI)