Telangana Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy led the Telangana Rising delegation on Sunday, closing its Singapore leg of its two-nation tour with several one-on-one exclusive meetings with major business houses and members of the Singapore Business Federation (SBF), said Telangana CMO in a release.
Along with IT & Industries Minister D. Sridhar Babu Garu and officials, the team met and had detailed discussions on various policies, possibilities and potential of investing in Hyderabad and Telangana, the release said. Among others, the team met Pradeepto Biswas, Founder and CEO of Indian Ocean Group; Lim Him Chaun, Country Head, DBS; and Amit Sharma, Group Head - Telecom, DBS; Gautam Banerjee, Sr. MD and Chairman, Blackstone Singapore; Peng Wei Tan, Sr. MD, Real Estate, Blackstone Singapore; and Omar Shahzad, CEO, Meinhardt Group, the release added. Singapore, Inc., is truly captivated by the matchless ambition, exceptional scope, and large-scale comprehensiveness of the TelanganaRising 2050 vision and has shown exceptionally positive commitment to becoming a big-time partner in our development and growth. The team is now headed for the World Economic Forum, Davos, the release mentioned. Earlier in the day, the Chief Minister took a boat ride on the Singapore River and said that we should learn to adapt the best practices to create a world-class Hyderabad. "Took a boat ride trip on the Singapore River and got great insight into the best practices adopted by the city-state, its historical efforts on river rejuvenation, the breakthroughs in water management, efforts and success in restoration and preservation of heritage buildings, while developing amazing new iconic buildings, offices, residences, and urban infrastructure. We must learn yet adapt best practices to create a world-class #Hyderabad, and we will," CM Reddy posted on X. (ANI)