Following the alleged attack on Arvind Kejriwal's car, BJP Delhi President Virendraa Sachdeva accused AAP chief of "running away" after "running his car over BJP workers" and added that allegations of attack on him "was a drama to garner support."
He further slammed Kejriwal and said that he is "making up imaginary stories of attacks." "As the polling date is coming closer, Arvind Kejriwal is making up imaginary stories of attacks on him...Arvind Kejriwal does not answer the questions raised by us, the media and the people of his area. He was running away after running his car over BJP workers and is claiming that he was was a drama to garner sympathy, Sachdeva said. Earlier in the day, AAP accused the BJP "goons" of attacking its national convenor, Arvind Kejriwal while sharing a video on their official X handle purportedly showing a stone being thrown at the Arvind Kejriwal's car. AAP claimed that Kejriwal was attacked by the "people" of BJP candidate Parvesh Verma who was also campaigning at that time. "Fearing defeat, BJP panicked, got its goons to attack Arvind Kejriwal While BJP candidate Pravesh Verma was campaigning, goons of BJP candidate Pravesh Verma attacked Arvind Kejriwal with bricks and stones and tried to hurt him so that he could not campaign. BJP people, Kejriwal ji is not going to be scared of your cowardly attack, the people of Delhi will give you a befitting reply," AAP wrote on X. Countering the AAP's claims, BJP candidate from New Delhi seat-Parvesh Verma alleged that the former Chief Minister's vehicle "ran over" party workers. He alleged that Kejriwal's car ran over three youths, in what, he called an "attempt to murder". BJP candidate from the New Delhi assembly seat, also alleged that Punjab Police assaulted three unemployed youths, who were asking questions from Kejriwal. "When AAP National Convenor Arvind Kejriwal was campaigning door-to-door near Lal Bahadur Sadan, people of New Delhi Assembly constituency were asking questions to AAP National Convenor Arvind Kejriwal about employment etc," Verma told reporters. "When three residents named Vishal, Abhishek and Rohit who are unemployed tried to ask questions to AAP National Convenor Arvind Kejriwal, Punjab Police beat them up and a worker's phone was broken," he added. Delhi will go to the polls on February 5 and the counting of votes will take place on February 8. The New Delhi Assembly seat will see a triangular contest between Kejriwal, BJP's Parvesh Verma and Congress' Sandeep Dikshit. A three-way contest is on the cards in Delhi between the ruling AAP, BJP, and Congress. Congress, which was in power for 15 consecutive years in Delhi, has suffered setbacks in the last two assembly elections and has failed to win any seat. AAP dominated the 2020 assembly elections by winning 62 out of 70 seats while the BJP got eight seats. (ANI)