Following the alleged attack on Arvind Kejriwal's car, Aam Aadi Party's Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh slammed Bharatiya Janata Party on Saturday saying that they "want to win the elections by hooliganism."
Sanjay Singh called the alleged attack a "cowardly act" and strongly condemned the incident "They are attacking Arvind Kejriwal with stones. Parvesh Verma's people attacked him with stones. You want to win the elections by hooliganism. The workers of Aam Aadmi Party, the leaders of Aam Aadmi Party, have never bowed down before you. Why do they do such cowardly acts, what will they achieve by this? BJP is a party of cowards, I strongly condemn it," he said. AAP has shared a video on their official X handle which purportedly shows a stone being thrown at the Arvind Kejriwal's car. AAP accused the Bharatiya Janata Party behind the attack and claimed that Kejriwal was attacked by the "people" of BJP candidate Parvesh Verma who was also campaigning at that time. Countering the AAP's claims, BJP candidate from New Delhi seat-Parvesh Verma alleged that the former Chief Minister's vehicle "ran over" one of their party workers. Verma said that one of the legs of the BJP worker was broken, and he is admitted at the Lady Hardinge Medical College Earlier in the day, BJP MP Bansuri Swaraj visited those injured in the incident and said, "They are undergoing treatment... All three injured were sitting in wheelchairs. AAP's National Convenor Arvind Kejriwal hit them with his car with ruthlessness and cruelty." The BJP MP alleged that Kejriwal is backtracking on his promises and threatened that the party is mulling criminal action. "This is an example of petty politics. This shows that he is afraid of his defeat... Arvind Kejriwal is running away from his promises...How can the VVIP (AAP National Convenor Arvind Kejriwal) who is always guarded by Punjab Police get frightened by three youths?... The party (BJP) will take whatever criminal action that needs to be taken," he said. Delhi will go to the polls on February 5 and the counting of votes will take place on February 8. The New Delhi Assembly seat will see a triangular contest between Kejriwal, BJP's Parvesh Verma and Congress' Sandeep Dikshit. (ANI)