Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma in a meeting held at Lok Sewa Bhawan in Guwahati on Friday took stock of the preparations put in place for the celebrations of the ensuing Republic Day to be held in Guwahati and Dibrugarh respectively. It may be noted that Governor Lakshman Prasad Acharya will unfurl the national flag at the Republic Day celebrations to be held at Khanapara in Guwahati while Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma will do the honour at the Republic Day celebrations in Dibrugarh. In a meeting, Chief Minister Sarma asked the functionaries from the General Administration and Police Administration to make adequate arrangements for celebrating the Republic Day in the newly created Co-districts in a befitting manner.
However, in the case of Kamrup Metropolitan district, the Republic Day celebration will happen only in the Dimoria Co-district. He also asked GAD to release funds for the celebrations and the Police Administration to make necessary arrangements for the parade and march past etc as part of the celebrations in the Co-district. Chief Minister Sarma during the meeting asked the Department of Housing and Urban Affairs to start cleanliness drives in the run-up to the Republic Day celebrations across the state with the help of Gaon Burhas (Village Heads), voluntary organizations, etc. As a prelude to the Republic Day celebrations on 25 January, Guwahati, Dibrugarh along with district headquarters will organize 'Road Past'. MLA Taranga Gogoi, Chief Secretary Dr Ravi Kota, Additional Chief Secretary Home AK Tiwari, Special DGP Hameet Singh, Principal Secretary to the Chief Minister Dr KK Dwivedi, Commissioner and Secretary GAD MS Manivannan, Guwahati City Police Commissioner Partha Sarathi Mahanta and others were present at the meeting. (ANI)