Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami on Sunday participated in a joint conference programme organised by Agravaishya organisations at a private hotel located on GMS Road, Dehradun. The CM congratulated the people of the Agravaishya community and said that the Agravaishya community plays an important role in the development of the country and the state.
He said that with the blessings of the people of Uttarakhand, our state is the first state in the country to pass the UCC Bill and that the state government will implement it soon. The Chief Minister said that the way everyone has come together here on one platform shows our unity and that all of us have to make Shri Saurabh Thapliyal victorious. Development works are being carried forward continuously by the state government. The work on the Delhi-Dehradun elevated road will be completed soon, which will promote tourism in Dehradun city. Work is being done to make Dehradun a clean and green city. This city has to be connected with state-of-the-art technology. Many schemes have to be implemented on the ground. He mentioned that along with the double engine, a triple engine has to be installed in the state. CM Dhami highlighted that today the BJP party has expanded a lot and the Agravaishya community is also participating enthusiastically in that. The relationship between the BJP and the Agravaishya community is very old and unbreakable. He said that we all have to take the party forward together. We all have to move forward with the dedication and support of the people of the Agravaishya community. The Chief Minister mentioned that Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on the State Foundation Day that a great yagya of development is going on in Devbhoomi Uttarakhand and we have to take the state forward under the guidance of the Prime Minister. Mayoral candidate Saurabh Thapliyal from Dehradun also attended and addressed the event, the release added. (ANI)