Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadanvis on Sunday debunked rumours that the Mahayuti government will discontinue the 'Ladki Bahin Yojana' and said that each scheme including this has been implemented for the benefit of women, downtrodden, and the marginalised people and will continue.
Fadanvis was addressing the two-day state convention of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) being held in Shirdi, Ahilyanagar district, Maharashtra. "There are rumours that we will discontinue Ladki Bahin Yojana and other welfare schemes. I want to make it clear that each scheme implemented for the benefit of women, downtrodden, and Marginalised people continues. In addition to the present schemes, we will fulfil all our promises committed in our manifesto also," Fadnavis said Further talking about Bangladeshi intruders, Fadanvis said, that the government has witnessed that several Bangladeshi intruders have been caught with fake documents, adding that it is a challenge for them to expel such intruders. Meanwhile addressing a two-day state convention in Shirdi Union Home Minister Amit Shah praised Devendra Fadanvis for his work done during his first tenure as CM and initiating the Jalyukta Shivar scheme for enhancing irrigation facilities. "When Devendra Fadanvis became CM for the first time, he decided to make Maharashtra fertile and irrigated land and started the Jalyukta Shivar scheme. Now he has another term as the CM. PM Modi and CM Fadanvis will make Maharashtra a fully irrigated state and fertile land... Only the BJP and NDA can do that. Next time when we come to you to seek a mandate for our next government, by that time we will have fulfilled our promise of a fully irrigated Maharashtra...," said He added, "The victory (of Mahayuti) in Maharashtra ended the politics of instability and backstabbing started by Sharad Pawar in 1978. Uddhav Thackeray betrayed us, he left the ideology of Balasaheb in 2019. Today you have shown him his place..." Notably, The Mahayuti government won a decisive majority in the assembly election which was held in November 2024. BJP had emerged as the single largest party with 132 seats. Following this, Devendra Fadnavis was elected as the legislative leader of Mahayuti, and subsequently, he took oath as the Chief Minister in December last year. (ANI)