Delhi's Patiala House Court on Saturday granted seven days of custody of two Kapil Sangwan alias Nandu Gang's sharpshooters to the Special Cell of Delhi Police.
The accused have been arrested in the Tilak Nagar's Singla Sweet House firing of August 2024 and were also allegedly involved in the triple murder case of Panchkula in Haryana last month. Duty Judicial Magistrate First Class (JMFC) Bharti Beniwal granted 7 days of custody of Sahil alias Poli and Vijay Gehlot alias Kalu to the Special Cell of Delhi Police. They were produced before the court after their arrest from Bengaluru, Karnataka. Delhi Police sought their remand to investigate the case of firing at Singla Sweet on August 23 last year in Delhi's Tilak Nagar area. According to officials, the incident occurred at around 11:15 pm on August 23 when two bike-borne persons fired bullets at Singla Sweets shop. The bullets hit the front glass of the shop. (ANI)