Chhattisgarh Deputy Chief Minister Arun Sao on Monday condemned the Naxal attack in Bijapur district, where nine people, including eight District Reserve Guard (DRG) jawans and one driver, lost their lives in an improvised explosive device (IED) blast.
Sao described the attack as a "cowardly action" driven by Naxals' "desperation and disappointment," and assured that the sacrifice of the jawans would not go in vain. "Information about a cowardly attack by Naxalites has come from Bijapur. I express condolences to the jawans' families. This is a cowardly action...As jawans are working towards eliminating Naxals, they have done this out of desperation and disappointment. The sacrifice of the jawans won't go in vain," Sao said while speaking to reporters. Nine people, including eight Dantewada District Reserve Guard (DRG) jawans and one driver, lost their lives after their vehicle was blown up by an IED planted by Naxals in Chhattisgarh's Bijapur district. According to Bastar Inspector General (IG) Sundarraj P, the jawans were returning from a joint operation of Dantewada, Narayanpur and Bijapur police when the blast occurred. "For the last three days, anti-Naxalite operations have been ongoing in the Narayanpur, Dantewada, and Bijapur regions. During this operation, we had recovered the bodies of five Naxals, and one jawan had lost his life. When the team was returning, in Bijapur's Ambeli area, an IED blast was carried out by Naxals. Eight Dantewada DRG jawans and one driver lost their lives in the attack," IG Sundarraj said. Following the incident, Chhattisgarh Assembly Speaker and former Chief Minister Dr Raman Singh also expressed his condolences to the families of the deceased jawans. "Whenever big operations take place against them, these Naxalites come down to cowardly attack... I express my condolences to the families of the jawans who lost their lives in this attack...The big step that the Chhattisgarh government and central government are taking will take this step forward further," Singh said. (ANI)