Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami on Friday extended his heartfelt greetings on the birth anniversary of Indian social reformer Savitribai Phule, the country's first female teacher and a pioneer of the women's liberation movement.
Taking to X, Dhami praised Phule's contribution to society, stating that through education, she not only protected the rights of women but also worked towards equality for all sections of society. The Chief Minister also said Phule's work towards women's empowerment is unforgettable. "Heartiest greetings on the birth anniversary of the country's first female teacher, pioneer of the women's liberation movement, and great social worker, Savitribai Phule ji. Through education, you not only protected the rights of women but also led every section of society towards equality. Your work towards women's empowerment is unforgettable," Dhami said on X. Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge also paid tribute to Savitribai Phule on her birth anniversary today. Taking to X, Kharge said that Phule was a source of inspiration and a great educationist and poet. "Humble tributes on the birth anniversary of Kranti Jyoti, great educationist and poet, the first female teacher of the country and our source of inspiration, Savitribai Phule," the post read. "She opened the doors to women's education and fought vigorously for the rights of the deprived, Dalit, oppressed, and exploited sections of society and made an unprecedented contribution to social justice," it added. Savitribai Phule was an Indian social reformer, educationalist, and poet from Maharashtra. She is regarded as the first female teacher in India. Along with her husband, Jyotirao Phule, she played an important role in improving women's rights in India. She is regarded as the mother of Indian feminism. Phule and her husband founded one of the first Indian girls' schools in Pune, at Bhide Wada in 1848. She worked to abolish the discrimination and unfair treatment of people based on caste and gender. She is regarded as an important figure in the social reform movement in Maharashtra. A philanthropist and an educationist, Phule was also a prolific Marathi writer. The reformer's birth anniversary is also recognised as Women's Education Day to honour her contributions to women's education and social equality. The leader is also referred to as the mother of Indian feminism. (ANI)