Union Minister of State Sanjay Seth on Friday launched a scathing attack on Delhi Chief Minister Atishi over her recent statement on Union Agricultural Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan, calling her words "those of a terrorist."
Seth condemned Atishi's remarks against the Union Agricultural Minister, stating that it was inappropriate for a leader of her stature to use such language. "The words used by the Chief Minister of Delhi yesterday were those of a terrorist. Using bad words against a senior leader like Shivraj Singh Chouhan is not a good sign for this democracy. She is the CM, and she should use words in the right manner," Seth said, adding that calling someone a terrorist reflects poorly on the individual's mentality. Seth emphasised that such language and behaviour were reflective of one's character and style. "If you address any person as a terrorist, it shows your mentality... We all say that democracy is strong; now if someone says something, it is their mentality, their language, their style, their character, their face. We all are dedicated to the service of Mother India and the resolution of Prime Minister Narendra Modi for a developed India in 2047," the Union Minister of State added. This came in the wake of Atishi's counterattack on the BJP government, where she stated that the condition of farmers has never been "as bad as" it was during BJP's rule after Union Agriculture Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan accused the AAP government of denying the benefits of central schemes to the farmers of the national capital. Chouhan, who had written a letter to Delhi Chief Minister Atishi, said the central government was ready to provide benefits of central schemes to the farmers, but the Delhi government had failed to meet the requirements. He said that the Centre "had not received any proposals" from the Delhi government, which was the reason farmers in the capital could not take advantage of these schemes. Chouhan, in his letter, further accused the AAP government in Delhi of blocking the Centre's welfare schemes for farmers in Delhi and called their policies "anti-agriculture" and "anti-farmer." The Union Minister further stated that he had earlier raised the issue of Delhi's farmers, but the Delhi government didn't "resolve the problems." Following this, Atishi slammed the BJP government, saying, "BJP talking about farmers is like Dawood preaching on non-violence." "The condition of farmers has never been as bad as it was during BJP's rule. Farmers in Punjab are on hunger strike, tell Modi ji to talk to them. Stop doing politics on farmers' issues. Bullets and lathis were fired on farmers during BJP rule," she added. (ANI)