Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) leader Manoj Kumar Jha on Wednesday appealed to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, saying, "Enough is enough," he should visit Manipur at least once. He accused the Manipur Chief Minister Biren Singh of living in "denial" and said that the apology issued by him should have come earlier.
The Prime Minister's visit to Manipur will help with the healing, Jha said, adding that restoration of normalcy and peace was urgently required today. "This sorry should have come earlier. Repentance is a good value to have, but you lived in denial. After nearly 19 to 20 months, you are just saying sorry. How will it help the ruptured relationships? Restoration of normalcy and peace are urgently required today. I would also appeal to the Prime Minister of India that enough is enough, he must at least visit (Manipur) once. I am saying again and again that PM's visit will help heal. Why are you denying this to the people?" Jha, who is RJD MP in Rajya Sabha, told ANI. The RJD leader said that Justice remains an important component for the restoration of normalcy and peace. People heal will when they see justice being served and when it is served, Jha added. "I will be straight with you...Justice is a very important thing for the restoration of normalcy and peace. When justice happens and when people see it happening, it helps heal. However, the government there and the central government have failed in this," the RJD leader said. "Apologising" for the ongoing crisis in the state in which around 200 people have died and many left their homes, Chief Minister N Biren Singh on Tuesday asked people to "forget the past" and start a new life for peaceful and prosperous Manipur. The violence in Manipur between the Meitei and the Kuki communities erupted after a rally by the All Tribal Students Union of Manipur (ATSUM) on May 3, 2023, following the Manipur High Court order directing the state to consider the inclusion of the Meitei community in the Scheduled Tribes list. Reflecting on the crisis, the Manipur CM said, "This entire year has been very unfortunate. I feel regret and I want to say sorry to the people of the state for what is happening till today, since last May 3." "Many people lost their loved ones. Many people left their homes. I really feel regret. I would like to apologise," he added. Singh further appealed to the various communities in the state to "forget past mistakes and start a new life". (ANI)