The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Wednesday carried out searches at multiple locations in Punjab and Haryana in connection with the gangster-terror nexus case involving operatives of the proscribed Khalistan Terrorist Force (KTF), including Canada-based Arsh Dala.
Extensive searches were conducted by NIA teams at the premises of suspects linked to the arrested accused Baljeet Maur, as well as those connected with Dala and KTF. The raids were carried out in six districts in Punjab--Bathinda, Muktsar Sahib, Moga, Ferozepur, Sangrur, and Mansa--along with Sirsa in Haryana. In total, the NIA raided eight locations within the six districts across Punjab and one in Haryana. The search teams seized several incriminating materials, including mobile phones, digital devices, and documents, which are being examined by the NIA as part of the ongoing investigation in the case (RC 02/2024/NIA/DLI). The case was registered earlier this year by the NIA following directions from the Ministry of Home Affairs. The NIA has been investigating various terror outfits involved in criminal conspiracies to recruit India-based associates for carrying out terrorist acts, raising funds through large-scale extortion, smuggling terrorist hardware into India, and facilitating the movement of illegal arms and ammunition through the dead-drop model. "The investigations so far have revealed attempts by foreign-based main accused and handlers of terrorist outfits to recruit cadres in India for carrying out terror acts on Indian soil," the NIA said. (ANI)