Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini on Tuesday clarified the situation regarding the cotton bomb incidents that occurred in Sector-29, Gurugram. The CM stated that the youth involved in the incident was intoxicated when he threw two cotton bombs in the area.
"The youth was intoxicated. He threw two cotton bombs. He was arrested, and an investigation is ongoing," CM Saini confirmed during a statement to the media. Earlier in the day, Gurugram Police arrested a man named Sachin, who was caught in the act of throwing a cotton bomb earlier in the morning. Preliminary investigations revealed that he was intoxicated at the time of the incident. "The accused had already thrown two cotton bombs and was about to throw two more when police intervened and arrested him along with the bombs," stated Gurugram Police. Vikas Arora, IPS, Commissioner of Police, Gurugram, personally inspected the scene. Following his instructions, the police bomb disposal team was called in to secure the area. "Two live cotton bombs recovered from the accused were defused by the bomb disposal team," the police added. According to an official statement, Gurugram Police also recovered a country-made weapon from the accused's possession. Further investigation is underway, and the Crime Branch and STF teams are interrogating the suspect intensively. Any new facts uncovered during the interrogation will lead to appropriate legal action. The incident caused minor damage to a scooter and a board, but no casualties or injuries were reported. Gurugram Police are continuing their investigation to determine the motive behind the act. (ANI)