The Border Security Force (BSF) on Saturday apprehended five Bangladeshi nationals from two different locations in Tripura, a press release said.
Upon receiving a specific information at around 2.30 pm on Saturday, the BSF troops of BOP (Border Out Post) Kamla Sagar in the Sepahijela district, apprehended four Bangladeshi nationals while they were trying to enter into Indian territory by negotiating the IBB Fence. According to the press release, three apprehended Bangladeshi nationals are resident of Gopalganj district of Bangladesh whereas another listed Bangladeshi was facilitating illegal crossing of those three Bangladeshi nationals and is a resident of Kasba, Bangladesh. While in an another operation, a Bangladeshi national was apprehended by the BSF troops of BOP Samrupara in the Unakoti district. He was a resident of Netrakona district of Bangladesh. Additionally, the BSF troops in different operation foiled various attempts of trans-border smuggling along the Indo Bangladesh border. They rescued 12 cattle and seized 900 kgs sugar and other contraband worth Rs 3 lakhs, the release said. Earlier, the Border Security Force arrested two Rohingya migrants at the Karbook bus stand in the Gomati District of Tripura, while they were planning to exfiltrate into Bangladesh, an official release stated on Friday. Both the apprehended Rohingya illegal migrants are residents of the Rohingya Refugee Camp located in Cox Bazar, Bangladesh. Indian currency, mobile and UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) card were recovered from their possession, the release stated. (ANI)