Jharkhand BJP President Babulal Marandi on Tuesday at a campaign event in Giridih said that the state election is not only focused on selecting a Chief Minister but on "saving Jharkhand from cheats and looters."
Marandi said, "I am just an ordinary worker. I have repeatedly said that this election is not about making someone the Chief Minister, but about saving Jharkhand from cheats and looters." He added that for the past five years, "intermediaries and brokers have run the government, looting Jharkhand," and urged voters to prioritise rescuing the state. Marandi also referred to Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma's statement about implementing the National Register of Citizens (NRC) if the BJP comes to power. He said, "I have repeatedly said, and I have said before, that anyone who has come here to Jharkhand from outside--from Bangladesh, the Rohingya, those who are occupying Jharkhand's resources--food, daughters, and land--they will be identified and expelled from here. This is necessary to correct the changing demography of Jharkhand." Meanwhile, Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren criticised the BJP on Monday for allegedly encouraging and widening division in society and failing to support marginalised groups. In response to Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma's comments, Soren called on BJP leaders to question their Prime Minister's leadership and accountability regarding border security and alleged infiltration from Bangladesh."Keep in mind that these people (BJP) stir up Hindu-Muslim tensions; they incite fights among brothers and create divisions in households. Today, I want to ask these BJP leaders to question their Prime Minister. When he wasn't in power, which book did he refer to in order to govern? He declared that the Constitution must run the country, and after the riots between Hindus and Muslims, who is responsible for infiltrators coming from Bangladesh?" Soren said. The Jharkhand Chief Minister further said," "When we talk about Bangladesh, we have to ask who has control at the border--it's in the hands of the central government, the BSF, and the state government. Under what circumstances does the former Prime Minister of Bangladesh get permission? What kind of government allows this? We do not need any propaganda from anyone." Earlier on Monday, Assam CM Sarma had warned that Jharkhand could turn into a "mini-Bangladesh," claiming infiltrators threaten tribal identity. Sarma outlined BJP's election promises, including implementing the National Register of Citizens (NRC), blocking benefits for children of immigrants marrying tribal women, and limiting political roles for such women. "Infiltrators are disturbing Jharkhand's culture and 'Adivasi asmita.' If this continues, Jharkhand will see a demographic change," he said. Sarma also condemned Jharkhand Minister Irfan Ansari, calling for his arrest over remarks against BJP's Sita Soren. The BJP has emphasised its commitment to removing "intruders," with MP Nishikant Dubey alleging vote bank politics overlooks tribal concerns. Jharkhand Assembly elections are set for November 13 and 20, with results expected on November 23. (ANI)