Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu on Friday launched three start-up projects developed by 18-year-old Shayan Abdul Jishan of Shimla: Shayata, Saffira, and Fayan.
Shayata offers doorstep services for stitching, hair salon facilities, and branded clothing, while Saffira provides home delivery of grocery items within 30 minutes in Shimla, along with other organic food products. Fayan provides e-payment facilities for paying water and electricity bills, etc. Praising the young entrepreneur, CM Sukhu expressed his happiness that the youth of the state are stepping forward to start their ventures, thereby creating employment and self-employment opportunities for others. He urged the youth of Himachal Pradesh to follow such initiatives to earn their livelihood while also providing job opportunities for others. The Chief Minister added that the state government has established a Rs 680 crore fund under the 'Rajiv Gandhi Startup Scheme' to encourage young people to engage in entrepreneurial activities. (ANI)