In a disturbing incident, a retired income tax officer was arrested for allegedly forcing a minor to clean sewage while using his shirt.
The incident unfolded in front of the Vivekanand Complex, where a man named Ajay Sarware was also assaulted by the accused, identified as DP Ojha, while he was urinating in public.Harda Police Station in-charge Prahlad Singh confirmed the arrest and stated that a case has been registered under the Scheduled Tribes (ST) Act, along with relevant assault charges."A person was beaten up by DP Ojha, a resident of the same area, while he was urinating in front of Vivekanand Complex. He was also forced to do the cleaning using his clothes. A case has been registered and the accused has been arrested. A case has been registered under the ST Act and sections of assault," Harda Police Station in-charge Prahlad Singh said while speaking to ANI. Earlier, in August, a video emerged from MP's Katni where a 15-year-old boy and his grandmother were seen brutally being beaten up inside the GRP Police station. According to the police, the incident occurred in October last year but the video of it surfaced on social media.Taking congizance of the video, Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav ordered suspension of the accused.CM Yadav posted on X, "An old assault video of the officer/employees of GRP Katni station is going viral on social media. As soon as it came to my notice, I immediately directed the DIG (Deputy Inspector General) Railway to visit the spot for investigation. As per the preliminary investigation, orders have been given to suspend the then police station in-charge of GRP Katni, one head constable and four constables with immediate effect.""Along with this, all senior police officers have been directed to ensure that such misconduct should not be repeated in future," he said. (ANI)