A day after Atishi was named the CM designate on Arvind Kejriwal offering his resignation as CM the BJP continues to attack her. BJP spokesperson Shehzad Poonawalla said on Wednesday that Arvind Kejriwal did not do a resignation, but rather did a re-designation.
Speaking to ANI, Poonawalla said, "It is difficult to understand what he does. Somedays he is on this side, somedays he is on the other side. His drama of resignation is just a re-designation and that is what Congress also believes. Somedays, he is the CM inside the jail, somedays outside the jail with bail and now he is a proxy CM. Atishi has been made a proxy CM like Manmohan Singh, I am not saying this, this is said by Saurabh Bharadwaj." Further, he questioned if changing the face of the CM would change the character. He said "Will changing the CM's face change the character? Congress has also called them corrupt. Atishi's department is also not in good condition. From today, part two of the drama will begin in the national capital. Now, we will see Arvind Kejriwal again in his old forms resigning and Atishi asking him not to resign. AAP should stop this drama. I think it's high time Atishi thinks about the work that needs to be done for the public of Delhi." On Tuesday, Union Minister Kiren Rijiju reacted to the AAP's decision to appoint Atishi as the new Chief Minister of the national capital, saying that the public of Delhi is very troubled by the AAP government and that there is a strong desire among the public to oust the AAP from power. "The public of Delhi is very troubled by the AAP government, and they are regretting it. He has ruined Delhi after winning the elections by telling lies," Rijiju told ANI. Adding further, Rijiju said, "Atishi's surname suggests she is a leftist. The family members of Atishi supported Afzal Guru and even criticised the Supreme Court. AAP has ruined Delhi, and now they are ruining Punjab. The public of Delhi has made up their mind to remove AAP from power. The public of Delhi has made a big mistake by electing such anarchists. Now they are regretting." (ANI)