Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu on Tuesday criticised the YSRCP government over the Budameru breach, which caused flooding in Vijayawada, and said that it took 10 days for his government to bring the situation under control, whereas if someone like Jagan was in power, it could have taken six months.
Addressing a press conference, CM Naidu said, "The Budameru breach severely impacted the public for more than seven days. For the first time, the Krishna River's water inflow increased to over 11.3 lakh cusecs due to heavy rains in the Telugu states. The breach occurred because of the previous government's lack of maintenance and increased encroachments on Budameru. Within 100 days of assuming office, this massive disaster unfolded. It took 10 days to bring the situation under control. If someone like Jagan was in power, it would have taken six months." He also highlighted that the previous government diverted funds from the Panchayat Raj Department and failed to provide accounts for natural disaster funds. The Andhra Pradesh CM asserted that he is writing to request financial assistance from the Union Government. "The situation needs urgent intervention, and substantial support is required to address the hardships caused by these floods. our efforts on closing Budameru breaches were recognised nationally," he said. "We have analysed the situation and are providing a special package to address the flood impact across 179 sachivalayas in 32 wards. We will offer compensation of Rs 25,000 to residents of ground floors in these affected wards. First-floor residents will receive Rs 10,000. For other parts of the state, those whose properties were submerged will receive a uniform compensation of Rs 10,000," CM Naidu added. He also mentioned that small business establishments will receive Rs 25,000 as compensation, adding that for businesses with a turnover below Rs 40 lakhs, GST will not be required, and they will receive Rs 50,000. "Entrepreneurs with a business turnover of Rs 1.5 crore will receive Rs 1.5 lakh as compensation. Insurance claims amounting to Rs 71.5 crores have been registered, with Rs 6 crores of these claims resolved so far. Pushcart and auto owners will receive Rs 10,000 in compensation, and pushcarts will be distributed to those who lost theirs. Two-wheeler owners will receive Rs 3,000 in compensation," he added. The Andhra CM further highlighted that they have requested banks to provide loans of Rs 50,000 to ground floor residents, with a three-month moratorium and a repayment tenure of 36 months. "We will take responsibility for the development of people in flood-affected areas and will implement a permanent solution for the Budameru breach. Our focus will be on the Budameru diversion scheme and the construction of a project above Budameru. We are committed to serving the people and are not concerned about the budget. However, we aim to enhance our support," CM Naidu said. (ANI)