After Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal announced his intention to resign, Delhi Assembly Speaker Ram Niwas Goel held a meeting with him on Sunday evening. Following their meeting, Goel said that Kejriwal is not motivated by a desire to hold onto the Chief Minister's position and described his decision as a positive one.
"I met Arvind Kejriwal, and we discussed his proposal to resign as Delhi CM. Arvind Kejriwal is not greedy for the Chief Minister's chair. If the public trusts him and believes he (Arvind Kejriwal) is not dishonest, they will elect him again. This is a very good decision. A Vidhan Sabha session may be called in September," Goel said. On Sunday, Kejriwal announced that he would resign from his position as Chief Minister after two days and would not sit on the chair of CM until the public of Delhi declares him "honest." Kejriwal also mentioned that if the public votes for him, it will serve as a certificate of his honesty. He further added that he would call for early elections, alongside the state of Maharashtra. Addressing the party workers at the AAP office, CM Arvind Kejriwal said, "I am going to resign from the CM position after two days. I will not sit on the CM chair until the people give their verdict. I will go to every house and street and not sit on the CM chair till I get a verdict from the people. I will not sit on the CM post until the public announces its decision. Elections are after a few months. If you think Kejriwal is honest, then vote for me, I will take over as CM after the elections. If you think I am not, don't vote. Your vote will be a certificate for my honesty, then only I will sit on the post of CM." "The elections are supposed to be held in February. I demand elections be held in November with Maharashtra elections. Till elections are held, someone else from the party will be the Chief Minister. In the next 2-3 days, a meeting of the MLAs will be held, where the next CM will be decided," Kejriwal further said. Kejriwal also accused the central government of adopting a formula of filing cases against CM's of states where the BJP has lost elections. As soon as Arvind Kejriwal on Sunday announced his intent to resign as Delhi CM in two days, BJP termed it a "PR stunt" and said he is doing this to restore his image. Delhi Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party National Convenor Arvind Kejriwal on Sunday arrived at the party office in Delhi. Notably, it is his first visit after being released from the Tihar jail on Friday night. Earlier on Saturday, Kejriwal held a meeting with senior party leaders in which discussions were held on various issues, including assembly polls in Haryana and party organisation in the national capital. He was released from Tihar Jail on Friday evening, hours after the Supreme Court granted him bail in a corruption case related to the alleged Delhi Excise Policy scam. (ANI)