Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami on Sunday participated in the inaugural session of the 'Akhil Bharatiya Goshthi' organised by Sanskrit Bharati at Vyas Mandir, Bhupatwala, in Haripurkalan.
On the occasion, he offered prayers at Shri Ved Vyas Mandir and wished for peace and happiness in the state, according to a statement. Welcoming attendees from across the country to Devbhoomi Uttarakhand, the Chief Minister stated that every member of Sanskrit Bharati plays a significant role in promoting the Sanskrit language. "It is a matter of pride for the state that Devvani Sanskrit is the second official language of Devbhoomi Uttarakhand. The Sanskrit language is not only a medium of expression but also a key to the holistic development of mankind. Human civilisations have evolved from Sanskrit. The Rigveda was written in Sanskrit, and today, this language has expanded to other fields of literature," he said. Dhami further noted that the state government has taken various steps to preserve and promote Sanskrit. During the assembly session held in Gairsain, the Sanskrit Education Department organised a Sanskrit conversation camp, encouraging ministers, MLAs, and officials to speak the language, as per the release. Under the National Education Policy 2020, Sanskrit schools are being established in the state for classes 1 to 5. Efforts are also being made to display signs at bus stations, railway stations, and airports in both Sanskrit and Hindi. The Chief Minister highlighted that all Vedas, Puranas, and scriptures of Sanatan culture and the Vedic period were composed in Sanskrit. He added that from literature to science, from religion to spirituality, and from astronomy to surgery, texts across various fields have been written in Sanskrit. "Thousands of years ago, Indians had acquired knowledge about the almanac, planets, and constellations due to their vast understanding," he said. Dhami also mentioned that the number of vowels and consonants in Sanskrit is greater than in other languages. "Sanskrit is unique in that the meaning of a sentence does not change, regardless of the order of words. The vocabulary of Sanskrit is also extensive. For instance, the Vishnu Sahasranama contains 1,000 names of Lord Vishnu, and similarly, there are Lalita Sahasranama and Shiva Sahasranama. Only in Sanskrit can a single name have a thousand synonyms," he stated. Additionally, Dhami remarked that many words in European languages appear to be influenced by Sanskrit. He noted that centuries of foreign rule have distanced people from the Sanskrit language. "We must come together to revive our original language, Devvani Sanskrit, and bring it back into the mainstream. This programme will have a positive impact in that direction," he said. Dhami also acknowledged that Sanskrit Bharati is working to promote the language in India and abroad, with the aim of making it a commonly spoken language once again. (ANI)