Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav inspected the Inter-State Bus Terminal (ISBT) in Indore on Saturday, looked after the construction works and gave necessary instructions to the officials.
"I am happy that various development works are being carried out by the state government across the state in wake of the convenience of the citizens. Today, I came to inspect the Inter-State Bus Terminal (ISBT). It is being constructed in such a way that it will give a glimpse of an airport and it will contain all the facilities so that it will provide huge relief to the commuters," CM Yadav told reporters. "Restaurants, shops will be opened here and the bus stand will be fully air-conditioned. There will be proper parking arrangements. I am hopeful that the bus stand will start operating from December. Buses for Gujarat, Rajasthan, Bhopal, Jabalpur, Chhindwara, Sagar and other regions will be operated from here," he said. The CM further highlighted that it would also be beneficial for the upcoming Simhastha 2028. Simhastha is a Hindu religious mela held every 12 years in the Ujjain city. Along with this, CM Yadav also inspected the Metro Station in Indore and observed the construction works. In a post on X, the CM wrote, "Today, I inspected the ISBT and a metro station in Indore, looked after the construction works and gave necessary instructions to the officials." "The Madhya Pradesh government is fully prepared to establish golden dimensions on the path of development. Smooth traffic system is an important basis for development. Our government is committed to equip all the cities of the state with modern facilities," CM further wrote. (ANI)