The Chhattisgarh government has initiated a probe to investigate alleged irregularities in the implementation of 'School Jatan Yojana', a scheme introduced by the previous Bhupesh Baghel led Congress government for repairing schools, and is awaiting reports to take any action, said Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai.
"The previous government had launched 'School Jatan Yojana,' under which funds were allocated for repairing schools' damaged buildings or for construction of new classrooms. However, according to the information we received, there has been a massive irregularity in the implementation of the scheme across the state and funds were misused," alleged the CM. A probe in this connection has been launched and the report is awaited, said CM Sai, elaborating that if the scheme had been implemented properly, we wouldn't be seeing the kind of news about schools we see today. "We will not spare those who have misused funds," stated CM Vishnu Deo Sai. The CM stated this while speaking to media persons after chairing the first day of the Collector-SP Conference in Raipur on Thursday. Sharing details about the conference, the CM said that the government reviews its work from time to time. A two-day conference of Collectors and SPs has been organised Raipur starting on Thursday. A thorough review was conducted department-wise and Collectors shared detailed information about the progress of government schemes in their respective districts and what work has been done. "We can say that the collectors have done a great job in implementing government schemes in their districts. However, we are still not satisfied and need to do more. We have warned and requested everyone to ensure that government schemes reach the needy, and not a single person should be left out," said CM Sai. In response to a question about an incident wherein a teacher reached school in an inebriated condition, the CM said that the government has received reports that some teachers come to school in drunken conditions and swift action was taken against them. "We have also taken action against district education officers in cases of misconduct with children," said the CM. (ANI)