Nainital is bustling with activity as the Nanda Devi Festival gets underway, following traditional customs. The festival began with the consecration of idols of Maa Nanda-Sunanda at the Maa Naina Devi Temple during Brahma Muhurta. The idols have now been opened for public viewing, and devotees have been arriving since early morning to see Maa Nanda-Sunanda.
The festival marks the return of Kumaon's Kul Devi, Maa Nanda-Sunanda, to her maternal home in Kumaon. According to local beliefs, Maa Nanda-Sunanda visits her maternal home once a year, and today's celebration symbolises her arrival. Following the Pran Pratishtha ritual at the Maa Naina Devi Temple, the idols are displayed for devotees to pay their respects. A large number of devotees began gathering at the temple complex as early as 3 am today to seek darshan of Maa Nanda-Sunanda. Devotees from all over are arriving in large numbers to participate in the celebrations. Mukesh Joshi Mantu, a member of the Ram Sevak Sabha, said, "Maa Nanda-Sunanda is worshipped as Kul Devi in Kumaon. During the era of the Chand kings, they worshipped Maa Nanda-Sunanda as Kul Devi, and this tradition continues today across the Kumaon region. It is believed that Maa Nanda and Sunanda visit their maternal home, Kumaon, once a year." Yashoda Bhakt and Mohit Sah Bhakt, devotees, shared similar sentiments, underlining the importance of the festival for Kumaon's residents. The festival will continue for the next three days and will conclude with a grand Dola Yatra. The idols of Maa Nanda-Sunanda will then be immersed in Naini Lake, marking her return to her in-laws' home. This tradition of immersion symbolises the departure of Maa Nanda-Sunanda from her maternal home back to her in-laws' house. (ANI)