Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami took a strong stance against Congress leader Rahul Gandhi's recent comments in the US, comparing his language to that of a pro-Khalistan separatist. Dhami criticised Gandhi's remarks regarding Sikhs, accusing him of trying to harm India's culture.
Speaking to ANI, Dhami said, "Rahul Gandhi, whenever he speaks, speaks against the nation. His recent statement on Sikhs is an attempt to weaken their confidence. Sikhism was established by the great Gurus in India, and under Narendra Modi's rule, the whole of India is united. Rahul Gandhi is trying to raise doubts about the country's security apparatus." "His language is no different from that of Pannu (a designated terrorist in India)," the CM added. The Uttarakhand CM's remarks came after Rahul Gandhi addressed an event in Washington DC, where he said, "The fight in India is about whether a Sikh is going to be allowed to wear a turban, whether a Sikh will be allowed to wear a kada or go to the Gurudwara. That's what the fight is about, and it's not just for Sikhs, but for all religions." CM Dhami also responded to former Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde's recent remarks, recalling how Shinde had felt afraid during his visits to the region. Dhami compared his statements to the current situation in Kashmir. The Uttarakhand CM said, "Since the abrogation of Article 370, tourism has increased, and the region is moving towards prosperity. During Shinde's tenure, everybody knew what Kashmir was like, but under Narendra Modi, the changes are evident. Today, separatism and terrorism are coming to an end because of the abrogation of Article 370." He further added, "Kashmiris can feel the development and peace that has come to the region. The opposition tried to push Kashmir backwards, breeding terrorism. Now, the people see the corruption of Congress, and its two-faced approach is being exposed." CM Dhami also addressed concerns about changing the names of places associated with important spiritual leaders and the reservation issue for the Gujarat and Bakarwal communities, which he claimed Congress is attempting to end. (ANI)