BJP spokesperson Pradeep Bhandari on Saturday reacted to former JK CM Omar Abdullah's remarks on Afzal Guru and said that his statement reflects mindset of INDIA alliance which is about backing the terrorists.
Bhandari further praised PM Modi and his policies for Jammu and Kashmir and said that PM Modi has always a vision of development. BJP National Spokesperson Pradeep Bhandari said, "Prime Minister Narendra Modi's vision for Jammu and Kashmir has been a vision of development. It has been a vision which has ensured that there is no terror or terror is uprooted from the valley. On the other hand, the Congress party, Rahul Gandhi and Omar Abdullah, believe in giving soft support to terrorists. Omar Abdullah said that if it had been in his capacity, he would not have allowed Afzal Guru's hanging, a terrorist's hanging. This speaks volumes about the mindset of the INDI Alliance, which is about backing the terrorists. In the last 10 years, Jammu and Kashmir has witnessed no stone pelting incident and the terror in the valley has gone down. We are extremely confident that that the people of Jammu and Kashmir will choose a BJP-led government in order to continue to be on the path of development." BJP leader Altaf Thakur said, "Omar Abdullah is openly supporting Pakistan's policy and Pakistan so that he can win the election. He is scared after the loss in the Parliament election." Regarding the execution of Afzal Guru, Omar Abdullah earlier said that the Jammu and Kashmir government had no involvement in the process. He stated that if state approval had been required, it would not have been granted. "The unfortunate thing was that the J-K government had nothing to do with Afzal Guru's execution. Otherwise, you would have had to do it with the permission of the state government, which I can tell you in no uncertain terms would not have been forthcoming. We wouldn't have done it. I don't believe that any purpose was served by executing him," Abdullah said. Assembly polls in the Union territory will be held in three phases on September 18, 25 and October 1. There are a total number of 90 assembly constituencies in Jammu and Kashmir, out of which 7 seats are reserved for SCs and 9 seats are reserved for STs. According to the Election Commission of India, Jammu and Kashmir has 88.06 lakh eligible electors. These are the first assembly elections to be held in Kashmir after the abrogation of Article 370. (ANI)