In a significant achievement, the Rachakonda Police Commissionerate has recovered 591 lost/stolen mobile phones worth Rs 2 crore in just 25 days. This is part of a special drive initiated by Commissioner of Police, G. Sudheer Babu, IPS, to tackle the increasing number of mobile phone thefts and losses, stated Rachakonda Commissionerate on Thursday.
The recovery was made possible through the use of the CEIR (Central Equipment Identity Register) portal, which allows police to track and locate stolen mobile phones. Special teams were formed in each of the three CCS (Central Crime Stations)--LB Nagar, Malkajgiri, and Bhongir--to work on this initiative, according to the Rachakonda Commissionerate, the statement added. The teams, led by M. Srinivasulu, ADCP Crimes, recovered 591 mobile phones, with LB Nagar CCS recovering the highest number at 339, followed by Malkajgiri (149) and Bhongir (103). This year, Rachakonda Police has recovered a total of 3213 mobile phones, making it the second-highest in the state after Hyderabad, the statement added. On Thursday, Commissioner of Police, G. Sudheer Babu, handed over the recovered mobile phones to their rightful owners and sought their feedback on the police's efforts. The owners expressed their gratitude and praised the police for their work. The Commissioner also appreciated the efforts of his team, including V. Aravind Babu, DCP Crimes, and the special teams from each CCS, and directed them to continue their efforts, according to the Rachakonda Commissionerate. (ANI)