Prime Minister Narendra Modi met the people who were injured during the landslide in Wayanad and interacted with those living in relief camps on Saturday. He extended his prayers for those affected by the natural disaster.
PM Modi said, "Our prayers are with those affected by the landslide in Wayanad and the Centre assures every possible support to aid in relief efforts." He said that the Central Government is standing alongside the State Government for all assistance and relief work. The Prime Minister visited and inspected the landslide-hit areas after an aerial survey in Wayanad, Kerala on Saturday. In a review meeting, PM Modi reassured that the Central Government and the country are with the disaster-affected victims in this hour of grief. He said a detailed memorandum would be sent by the Chief Minister. The Prime Minister said that he has been keeping a close watch on the rescue efforts in Wayanad and has been in constant touch with the authorities. He said disaster management funds have already been released and the remaining part will also be released immediately. PM Modi said that all central agencies that can deal with the present situation have been mobilised and are helping those affected. The Prime Minister lauded the personnel of NDRF, SDRF, Army, State Police, local medical force, NGO and other service-oriented institutions who reached the disaster-struck area immediately and started the search and rescue efforts. He stressed the need to formulate new long-term schemes to support those affected, especially the children who have lost their families. He expressed confidence that the state government will play a crucial role in this with all the support needed from the Center. The Prime Minister assured the people of Wayanad that the country and the Central Government will leave no stone unturned to restore livelihood in the region, be it homes, schools, road infrastructure as well as the future of children. (ANI)