Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav transferred a total of Rs 1897 crores, which include monthly aid of Rs 1,250 under the Ladli Behna Yojana and Rs 250 as Raksha Bandhan 'shagun', to 1.29 crores beneficiaries on Saturday.
CM Yadav transferred the amount to the accounts of the beneficiaries of the Ladli Behna Yojana through a single click at a program organised in Vijaipur, Sheopur district on Saturday. Of the said amount, over Rs 1,574 crore was given under monthly-aid of the Ladli Behana Yojana and over Rs 322 crores as a Shagun of Raksha Bandhan to the beneficiaries. On the occasion, the CM also inaugurated and laid the foundation stone of development works worth Rs 344 crore. Furthermore, the Chief Minister transferred over Rs 52 crores to over 25 lakh women under the Gas Cylinder Refill Scheme for providing LPG at the rate Rs 450 during the program. Additionally, over Rs 332 crores were transferred to more than 55 lakh beneficiaries under the Social Security Pension Scheme on the occasion. Before joining the program in Sheopur district, CM Yadav participated in a program organised under "Rakshabandhan and Shravan Utsav" in Tikamgarh. During this, he distributed benefits to the beneficiaries of various schemes. Women of the self-help group also presented a huge Rakhi to CM Yadav on the occasion. Addressing the program in Tikamgarh, CM Yadav talked about the benefits being provided to the farmers in the state by the central as well as the state government. "Prime Minister Narendra Modi is giving Samman Nidhi to the farmers and our government is also continuously transferring money to the accounts of the food providers. The ground breaking ceremony of Ken-Betwa Link Project is going to be held very soon through which water will be reached to every farmer's field," CM Yadav. The Chief Minister also announced that soon Tikamgarh would get a medical college. (ANI)