Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma on Thursday launched Assam's most comprehensive policy to fight against Child Marriage - the Nijut Moina Scheme during a programme at Lok Sewa Bhawan in Guwahati.
Under the scheme, 10 lakh girls (one million- Nijut Moina) will be supported with financial grants as admission incentives to continue their education to higher secondary, graduation and post-graduation studies. "Today we have launched the Rs 1500cr Nijut Moina Asoni -a Brahmastra to end child marriage," Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma posted on X. In the Nijut Moina Scheme, the female students who have completed their higher education will get Rs 10,000 per annum while female students who have completed graduation will get Rs 12,500 per annum. Female students who have completed their post-graduation will get Rs 25,000 per annum. Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma said, "Child marriage cases are more in Lower Assam and Middle Assam districts. In Dhubri and South Salmara districts, 50 per cent of girls married before 18 years. In many cases, girls give childbirth at the age of 12-13 years." He further added, "On many occasions, we have taken legal actions to fight against child marriage, but we believe that the main weapon is Education. Married girls studying in colleges will not benefit from this Nijut Moina Scheme. We want to start this scheme on October 10. If we miss the October 10 milestone, then we will start it on November 10. In coming November-December Assam police will launch another leg of operation against Child Marriage. I think Child Marriage will be ended in Assam by 2026." Nijut Moina Scheme is a monetary scheme for female students enrolled in Government and Government aided institutions, to act as an effective deterrent against Child Marriage. The Rs 1,500 crore Nijut Moina scheme will fortify the lives of 10 lakh girls through multiple incentives. (ANI)