Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Wednesday reiterated that the MUDA case will be dealt with legally and politically properly. He said that the show cause notice issued by Governor Thaawar Chand Gehlot in the MUDA case should be withdrawn.
Speaking to reporters in Belagavi on Monday, he said, "The show cause notice issued by the Governor regarding the MUDA case should be withdrawn. Similarly, we requested the governor to reject the complaint given by activist TJ Abraham." He said that he would wait and watch what decision the Governor would take in this regard. Accusing the central government of misusing the Raj Bhawan to destabilize the state government, CM Siddaramaiah said that the Governor is acting as a puppet of the Central Government, BJP-JDS alliance. Speaking to the media at the Mysuru airport before leaving for the Kodagu district, the CM said that the Governor issuing a show cause notice to him over the MUDA scam is illegal and unconstitutional."The central government is misusing the Raj Bhavan in an attempt to destabilize the elected government," he said. Responding to a question from the media about recent developments in the case where prosecution has been allowed, the CM mentioned that he did not attend the cabinet meeting held yesterday as it would set a precedent for bad tradition. Therefore, Deputy Chief Minister DK Shivakumar was appointed to conduct the Cabinet meeting. After a detailed discussion about the show cause notice, it was opined that the notice issued was illegal, and it was decided to advise the Governor to withdraw it. Noting that KJ Abraham is a blackmailer and that taking action on his complaint is illegal, the CM said that he has filed complaints against many individuals in the same manner. He emphasized that he has not committed any crime."On July 26, 2024, the complaint was made at 11:30 a.m., and the Governor issued a show cause notice within a single day. All laws should be scrutinized when issuing a notice to the Chief Minister of an elected government with 136 MLAs who have the people's blessings. The notice was issued hastily without proper consideration. On the same day, Special Duty Officer Prabhu Shankar contacted the Additional Chief Secretary to the Chief Minister, LK Ateeq, and informed him that the show cause notice was ready and should be received. However, it was not received as it was late at night," Siddaramaiah said. Earlier Deputy Chief Minister DK Shivakumar said that the Cabinet has resolved to advise the Governor to withdraw the show cause issued to Chief Minister Siddaramaiah in the alleged Mysuru Urban Development Authority (MUDA) scam. "Everyone knows the background of the petitioner, TJ Abraham, who has criminal antecedents. We know how many petitions he has filed against several leaders and we are also aware that the Supreme Court even fined him. The governor is trying to destabilise a democratically elected government in the state based on the petition of a person with criminal antecedents," he said. (ANI)