The Himachal Pradesh Police arrested two Russian citizens living without a valid visa in Dharamshala's McLeodganj on Friday. They had been staying in a tent in the forest near Hari Bawri for the last two months.
Hitesh Lakhanpal, Additional SP Kangra, told ANI that an FIR has been registered against two Russians, Denis Larina and Iuliia Zhulanova, under the Foreigners Act 1946. Larina's visa expired on January 11, 2024, while Zhulanova's visa expired on September 3, 2015 and she was staying in Goa before coming to McLeodganj. They will be produced before the court of law in Dharamshala today and will be sent to judicial custody, according to the police. Hitesh Lakhanpal said, "Yesterday we got the information that two foreigners are staying in a tent in the McLeodganj forest area. They were arrested after checking their visa. Their visas had expired." (ANI)