Braving heavy rains and challenging weather conditions, the Indian Coast Guard has successfully coordinated a search and rescue operation for a stranded Indian fishing boat off the Ponani coast of Kerala.
"During the late hours of July 16, an Indian Coast Guard Dornier aircraft that was on maritime surveillance located and sighted a distressed Indian fishing boat (IFB) along with 11 crew members 50 Nm off Ponani (80 Nm from Kochi). Indian Coast Guard District Headquarters No.4 (Kerala & Mahe) diverted ICGS Saksham, which was on patrol, and successfully coordinated the search and rescue operation for stranded IFB Aashni," the Coast Guard said in a statement. "The IFB was in distress due to uncontrolled flooding from a hull rupture near the keel and loss of propulsion, resulting in a threat to the safety of the crew. Considering the gravity of the situation and inclement weather conditions, ICG immediately launched an Advanced Light Helicopter (ALH) at 0205 hrs from Kochi for the rescue of crew in distress," the statement added. The Coast Guard said that ICG ship Abhinav was also deployed to augment SAR (Search and rescue) effort for the distressed IFB. According to the Coast Guard, the ICG ship Saksham reached the datum with the maximum available speed and embarked a technical team on board the distressed boat. The technical team at Saksham undertook rigorous de-flooding operations and provided vital technical assistance, water, and rations to the distressed IFB, despite challenging weather. The sea-air-coordinated operation resulted in timely assistance to the distressed IFB. The operation ensured the safety of 11 crew members on board the IFB, which is being towed to Kochi. The rescue operation once again showcased unwavering commitment and reach of the Indian Coast Guard in our maritime zones, said the statement. (ANI)