Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy on Tuesday held an interaction with Yuvajana Shramika Rythu Congress Party's (YSRCP) social media influencers and unveiled a strategy for winning all 175 assembly seats.
The interaction was held at the Chennas Convention Hall in Pedipalem, Visakhapatnam District. The event was attended by party members as well as those virtually participating in the activity. In his address, Chief Minister Jagan expressed gratitude to all attendees, emphasising the importance of their support and dedication to the party's cause. He acknowledged the significant role played by party members, particularly those who have been steadfast supporters for almost five years. Highlighting the upcoming assembly elections, CM Jagan reiterated the challenges faced by the party, noting the formidable alliance against them. He emphasised the critical role of social media in countering these challenges, highlighting the power of unity and the support of millions of hearts across the state. He also assured all attendees associated with the party unwavering support and commitment. He acknowledged the effectiveness of streamlining efforts within the organisation and praised the active participation of individuals In conclusion, CM Jagan envisioned a bright future for Visakhapatnam, stating his belief that the city would become the destiny of Andhra Pradesh. He expressed confidence in the city's potential to rival major IT hubs like Hyderabad, Chennai, and Bengaluru, promising to support its growth and development. The event concluded with an open forum for attendees to ask questions and share their thoughts, underscoring CM Jagan's commitment to transparency and engagement with party members. (ANI)