The Bharatiya Janata Party on Saturday announced Pradip Varma from Jharkhand as its candidate for the Rajya Sabha Biennial elections.
After being nominated from Jharkhand, Pradip Varma, the state general secretary, expressed gratitude towards the BJP and Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The nominations for the biennial elections to two Rajya Sabha seats from the state will be held on March 11, and the elections are set to be held on March 21. The counting of votes will be done on the same day. The Election Commission earlier asserted that fresh elections were necessitated as the tenure of two Rajya Sabha members from the state, Samir Oraon and Dhiraj Prasad Sahu, will end in May. In the recent elections, four BJP MPs from Gujarat were elected to the Rajya Sabha. These include party president JP Nadda, Jaswant Singh Parmar, Mayank Nayak, and Govindbhai Dholakia. Setting the pace ahead of its rivals, the BJP released its first list of 195 candidates for the upcoming Lok Sabha polls. The list included 47 youth candidates, 28 women candidates, 27 Scheduled Caste (SC) faces, 18 Scheduled Tribes (ST) candidates, and 57 OBC/Backward Class nominees. (ANI)