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ECI directs States, UTs to implement transfer policy in both letter and spirit

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New Delhi | February 24, 2024 12:56:41 PM IST
Ahead of the Lok Sabha election, the Election Commission of India on Friday said that it has asked state governments to ensure that officers who are transferred out of the district after completing 3 years are not posted in another district within the same parliamentary constituency.

"Taking serious note of the cases wherein officers are being transferred/posted in the adjacent districts within the same Parliamentary Constituency by the state governments, the Commission has strengthened its existing transfer policy to ensure that officials are not able to disturb the level playing field in the elections," as per a press release by the Election Commission of India.

The case in point here is the directions given by EC in the case of the commissioner of the Mumbai municipal corporation who has completed three years at the same post.

"Plugging the loopholes in the existing instructions, the Commission has directed that, except for the States/UTs that comprise up to two Parliamentary Constituencies, all States shall ensure that officers who are transferred out of the district are not posted within the same Parliamentary Constituency," the release stated.

It has been reiterated that the transfer policy of the Commission must be adhered to in both letter and spirit and not just being camouflaged to show compliance. This rule applies retrospectively to transfers and postings that have already been implemented in accordance with the Commission's prior instructions.

"As per ECI policy, all the officers who were either posted in their home district or have completed three years at a place have been directed to be transferred. This includes officers who are in any way connected to the election work either directly or in supervisory capacity," the release stated.

There has been a zero-tolerance policy of the Commission against disturbing the level playing field in the elections. It may be recalled that in the recently held 5 state assembly elections, the Commission ordered transfer of various officials, even senior-level police officials in the state(s). (ANI)

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