Gujarat High Court Habeas Corpus Advocate Manasvi Thapar said on Friday that the court has announced judgement in favour of the girls in the case of Swami Nithyananda, who is facing charges of rape and indulging in unnatural sex.
Advocate Thapar told ANI on Friday, "The court has announced the judgement in favour of the girls. Seeing the safety of the girls, the court generated a video-conference link on January 10, using which the girls joined the hearing and put forward their points. Only after being satisfied with their statement, the court issued a judgement in their favour today." "The girls said they willingly left India, following the path of spirituality, and they were happy and uninfluenced by anybody. This is what the court wanted to know," Thapar added. Nithyananda is facing charges of rape and indulging in unnatural sex. He was arrested on April 22, 2010, and was granted bail on June 11, the same year. (ANI)