Days after the rescue of 41 trapped workers from an under-construction tunnel in Uttarkashi, a video surfaced showing the interiors of the 2-km-long stretch inside the tunnel in which they were confined for close to 17 days.
The video, accessed by ANI, was shot by one of the trapped workers before they were eventually rescued. After relentless operation, spanning over two weeks, the rescuers, who camped at the tunnel site braving the icy chill of Uttarkashi, were brought out safely on Tuesday evening. In the video, the worker who shot the clip, is heard encouraging and motivating his comrades. He is also heard enquiring about their well-being. He is also heard urging fellow workers trapped in the tunnel not to lose hope. Earlier, on Wednesday, the workers rescued from the Silkyara tunnel were brought to the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Rishikesh, for further medical examination. On November 12, a section of the tunnel, between 205 and 260 metres from the Silkyara side, collapsed. The workers, who were beyond the 260-metre mark at the time, were trapped, with their exit blocked. Following their safe evacuation, Prime Minister Narendra Modi praised the courage and patience of the trapped workers and their families, as well as the bravery and determination of the rescue personnel. "The success of the rescue operation of our labourer brothers in Uttarkashi is making everyone emotional. I want to say to the friends who were trapped in the tunnel that your courage and patience are inspiring everyone. I wish you all well and good health," PM Modi posted from his official X handle. "It is a matter of great satisfaction that after a long wait, these friends of ours will now meet their loved ones. The patience and courage that all these families have shown in this challenging time cannot be appreciated enough," PM Modi added. PM Modi said everyone involved in the rescue mission set an example of humanity and teamwork. (ANI)