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Constant communication kept workers' mental health stable: Garhwal division health director on Uttarkashi tunnel rescue

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Uttarkashi (Uttarakhand) | November 29, 2023 7:20:01 AM IST
After the successful rescue of 41 workers from the Silkyara tunnel on Tuesday evening, Dr Pravin Kumar, Health Director of Garhwal Division, in charge of the rescue operation, highlighted that constant communication with the trapped workers helped in maintaining their mental health stability.

Pravin Kumar mentioned that both Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami and the state health minister were consistently present at the site, and health teams kept boosting the morale of the trapped workers.

"Our state health minister and chief minister were constantly present here at the tunnel site. From the very first day, our teams were trying to boost their morale and were trying to establish contact with the trapped workers," he said.

"Whatever food items can be sent through the pipe are being sent, and our teams kept boosting their morale, and this is why the workers are in good mental state after being rescued," he added.

When asked about the health challenges workers faced while they were trapped, Dr. Pravin Kumar said, "The workers were not diagnosed with any major ailments. Some of the workers faced difficulty passing urine and allergies, and we treated them accordingly. Water, juice, and food were constantly provided to the workers."

The 17-day mammoth rescue operation concluded on Tuesday evening after all 41 trapped workers were safely rescued from the Silkyara tunnel and brought to the Community Health Centre in Chinyalisaur for primary medical treatment.

Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami also met the rescued workers, along with Union Minister of State General (Retd) VK Singh. Later, Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke to the rescued men over the phone. (ANI)

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