The Border Security Force (BSF) on Friday said that it had foiled an international drug smuggling attempt by shooting down a Pakistan drone in Srikaranpur in Rajasthan.
As per BSF Rajasthan, on the intervening night between October 12 and 13, alert BSF troops intercepted a Pakistani drone that violated Indian airspace and shot it down. During a search of the area, one packet of heroin weighing approximately 2.2 kg was recovered, BSF said. The value of the seized drug has been estimated to be worth Rs 12 crore in the international market. The recovered Pakistani drone was found in a completely damaged condition. The heroin and drone recovered by the Border Security Force will be handed over to the authorities concerned for a detailed investigation. BSF Rajasthan in a post on X said, "On the intervening night of 12-13 Oct' 2023 a Pakistani drone that violated Indian airspace has been intercepted & shot down by Alert BSF troops in Gen area Srikaranpur. During search 01 packet (Wt 2.20 kg approx.)of suspected narcotics has also been recovered." Earlier this month, BSF recovered one packet of heroin from a paddy field on the outskirts of Dhaone Khurd village in Amritsar. In September, the BSF has recovered a drone and a bottle containing heroin from the paddy fields near the Rajatal village in Amritsar. The recovered drone is a Quadcopter, a model made in China, according to a statement. BSF has also recovered a packet weighing approximately 2.5 Kg, suspected to be heroin from a farming field near Gatti Rajoke village in Ferozepur. (ANI)