Himachal Chief Minister Thakur Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu, on Wednesday, presided over the 176th Founder's Day celebration at The Lawrence School, Sanawar in Himachal's Solan and gave away prizes to the meritorious students and those who excelled in various fields, said a press release.
CM Sukhu also commended the institution for its outstanding track record in instilling self-confidence, discipline, and compassion in students, preparing them for the real world. According to the press release, the Chief Minister, during the event, stressed the importance of integrity and unwavering belief in one's principles, asserting that life's journey is a rollercoaster of highs and lows. He urged the students to never follow shortcuts to achieve success even if sometimes the easy path or self-interest may seem tempting, added the release. Addressing the gathering, Sukhu emphasized that while success, fame, and wealth may offer momentary happiness, true satisfaction arises from inner strength and adherence to one's ethos and values, said the official statement. "This institution has moulded numerous lives and continues to inspire the pursuit of knowledge and character," said Sukhu, according to the official statement. The press release further mentioned that the Himachal CM also inaugurated the Teacher's Enrichment Centre and an Innovation Exhibition. Headmaster Himmat Singh Dhillon welcomed the Chief Minister and highlighted the school's accomplishments and activities, underscoring its dedication to providing a well-rounded education to the students, said the press release. According to the press release, the occasion was also graced by the presence of wife of Chief Minister, Kamlesh Thakur, Education Minister Rohit Thakur, MLAs Vinod Sultanpuri and Bhuvneshwar Gaur and some other dignitaries. (ANI)