Ahead of the Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations, also known as Ganeshotsav, Mumbai Police on Sunday said it has made special traffic arrangements to avoid congestion and logjams on roads during the festivities from September 19 to29.
Mumbai Police released a press note sharing details of elaborate arrangements to keep traffic moving during the festivities, includingdiversions, no-entry points and alternate routes. A total of 13,726 police personnel will be deployed across Mumbai during the Ganesh festival, police informed. Further, according to the media release issued by the police, a complete ban will be enforced on the movement of all types of heavy commercial vehicles andprivate buses in South Mumbai. Meanwhile, with just a day left for the Ganesh Chaturthi, there was an air of celebration and festive fervour not just in Maharashtra but across the country, on Monday. Across Ganesh pandals or mandals in Maharashtra, devotees are eagerly awaiting the arrival of 'Gajanana'. Locals are also busy decorating their homes with flowers and rangoli designs while also bringing idols of Lord Ganeshainto their homes. Markets and streets bustled with people, as they made their last-minute purchases for the festival. Shopowners logged robust sales of decorative materials, lights, lamps, crockery and clothes. Vendors were seen selling garlands, fruits, sweets and 'Matoli' items such as betel nuts, local citrus fruits, coconuts and incense. Exquisitely carvedGanesha idols by artisans and students awaited their arrival at mandals ahead of the festival. (ANI)