Himachal Police Additional DG (Vigilance) Satwant Atwal Trivedi said that women cops played an important role in rescue and relief operations amid the heavy rains and flood situation in the state.
ADG Trivedi said that two Superintendents of Police in the major flood-hit districts of Kullu and Mandi were women who performed an exceptional role. "Two women SPs worked hard in flood-affected districts and proved that they are not less than anyone. They are working shoulder to shoulder with male officers. Kullu Superintendent of Police Sakshi Verma and Mandi Superintendent of Police Soumya Sambasivan played significant roles," ADG Trivedi told ANI. "Two of my women SPs in flood-hit districts were working hard and they proved it. I don't take it as gender but still, there is a perception that women can't do equally well as men. I am waiting for the day that men and women are all considered equal. When I started my job in the force I was first but now we have several women who are working and performing well in the force," she added. During the flood relief and rescue operations the charge of the Director General of Police was also given to a woman officer Satwant Atwal Trivedi by the state government as the DGP was on leave. She further stated that SP Kullu Sakshi Verma performed her role and even after being a lactating mother. "SP Kullu Sakshi is a lactating mother but she was serving the people in the state even at midnight," she said. Mandi Superintendent of Police Soumya Sambasivan said that there is a message for women that is no competition and women can work equally well as their male counterparts. "It was good to be with ADG Maam. The directions were never like orders, it was like teamwork. To women, there is a message that there is no competition. We can work equally well. As far as you talk about the accident it was entirely personal. I met with an accident, I was recovering, I had to overcome as the priority was to rescue the people," Soumya Sambasivan, Superintendent of Police Mandi District Police said. Kullu Superintendent of Police Sakshi Verma said that women officers are equally competent to respond to any tough situation. "While we are working this thing did not come to mind if we are male or female officers and we responded as per the situation. It was not possible to get additional force. In such a situation you have different advantages and disadvantages. We tried to evacuate the stranded people, I would say we are equally competent to respond to any kind of tough situation, said Sakshi Verma, Superintendent of Police Kullu district police. (ANI)