Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel on Wednesday laid the foundation stone for IAAD (Indian Audit and Accounts Department) Complex and Housing complex in Gandhinagar.
The foundation stone for IAAD was laid in the presence of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India GC Murmu. On the occasion, Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel said that Gujarat has become the growth engine of the country. "Under the visionary leadership of Prime Minister Narendrabhai Modi, Gujarat has become the growth engine of the country and the economy of the state is developing at a fast pace," Bhupendra Patel tweeted. He further stated that Gujarat is at the forefront of the country in terms of the management of finances. "When Gujarat is at the forefront of the country in terms of financial management, today's opportunity expresses the need to make the economy of the state even stronger," he said. (ANI)