With the BJP stepping up its preparations for the Lok Sabha polls next year, party chief JP Nadda on Wednesday chaired a meeting of Lok Sabha Pravas Yojana which decided on a plan of action till October this year.
BJP national general secretaries Vinod Tawde Sunil Bansal and party leaders Harish Dwivedi and Sambit Patra were among those present at the meeting. Lok Sabha cluster in-charges, party leaders given responsibility for Lok Sabha Pravas Yojana, observers, conveners, co-conveners from states also attended the meeting. Sources said that the meeting discussed feedback about Lok Sabha Pravas Yojana and the plans ahead. Programmes have been decided till October and all cluster incharges have been given responsibility, a source said. Nadda told cluster the cluster incharges that they should make a strong connect with people at the grassroots and reach out to benefeciaries of various central schemes. BJP has identified 160 weak seats. The aims of pravas yojana include a boost to the partys prospects on these seats. The meeting discussed the partys preparations for 2024 Lok Sabha polls. Sources said more such meetings will he held as the party finetunes its strategy for the electoral battles ahead. The BJP had come out with Lok Pravas Yojana as part of strategy to focus on seats where the BJP had not done well in the 2019 Lok Sabha polls. The party is also focusing on seats it had lost narrowly. BJP has also evolved a concept of cluster of constituencies and deputed senior and local leaders to mobilise local workers and enhance outreach among people. (ANI)