Referring to the Kolhapur clashes, Shiv Sena (UBT) leader Sanjay Raut on Friday alleged that BJP is behind the incidents, adding that "Riots are being created by the people from outside as shows the failure of the Home Minister."
Shiv Sena (UBT) leader Raut's statement came on the recent communal clashes that erupted after a social media post uploaded by a few people hailing Mughal emperors Aurangzeb and Tipu Sultan following the 350th Coronation Day ceremony. "There is peace in Kolhapur. It is the state of Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj and such incidences don't occur in Kolhapur. They (BJP) tried in Karnataka but didn't get success. The same experiments they are trying in Kolhapur. Riots are being created by the people from outside as shows the failure of the Home Minister," he said. "There is a conspiracy played by the government because of the upcoming elections. In Karnataka, they came up with Bajrangbali which didn't work out, now they came up with this Aurangzeb topic here," he said while slamming the Eknath Shinde government. Tension gripped Kolhapur after some youth allegedly posted objectionable posts on social media with a reference to Aurangzeb and Tipu Sultan. Leader of Opposition of Maharashtra and Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) Ajit Pawar on Wednesday urged the government to find the reason behind the Kolhapur violence. "Today, there is a curfew-like situation in Kolhapur. The incidents to disturb law and order happen intentionally. Previously, some violent riots took place disturbing the law and order. It is the responsibility of the CM and police to investigate the reason behind the clashes. There are rumours that the incidents are happening, keeping elections in mind. The government should keep a firm stand on knowing the reason behind the clashes," Pawar said. However, former Maharashtra Chief Minister Sharad Pawar on Thursday said that there is no need for politics in the Kolhapur incident. "Unfortunately, some people have created such a situation. This is not right for society...Common people have to pay its price...There is no need for politics in this. When this is investigated, the truth will come before everyone," the Nationalist Congress chief said while speaking to the reporters. (ANI)