As a part of the ongoing probe into the sexual harassment case, the Delhi Police visited the residence of Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) chief Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh in Uttar Pradesh's Gonda and recorded the statements of his associates and workers, an official said on Tuesday.
"We had visited Gonda as a part of investigation and recorded the statements of Singh's associates and workers, including the driver at his house. The team checked their IDs and noted their addresses while recording the statements. We are collecting evidence and collaborating with victims' statements," said the senior police official privy to the investigation. Once all the evidence is collected, a report will be submitted in court, he added. Meanwhile, the official also said that the 17-year-old wrestler on whose complaint a case under POCSO act was registered at Connaught Place police station against Singh, has now recorded a fresh statement under section 164 of the Code of Criminal Procedure before the magistrate in court. Refusing to divulge more details, the official said that as the case is very sensitive, only limited information can be shared. --IANS ssh/shb/ ( 201 Words) 2023-06-06-15:28:07 (IANS)