Asserting that the Congress government is committed to fulfilling the promises made in its manifesto, Karnataka Higher Education Minister MC Sudhakar on Tuesday said that while the Congress had widely publicised its intention to scrap of the National Education Policy (NEP), a thorough analysis of the policy's pros and cons is necessary before making any hasty decisions.
"We want to analyze the positives and negatives of the policy. As mentioned in the manifesto, state education policy will be implemented but at the same time, students' betterment should also be taken into consideration. The opposition will always have its own way of interpreting things. We are going to fulfill what we have promised," said MC Sudhakar. The Minister, who held a meeting with educationists on Tuesday regarding NEP, said that the Primary Education and Higher Education departments will take a call on scrapping the policy after further deliberations. "As it is not limited to higher education, the Primary Education Minister and I will hold a meeting together and gather information and then apprise the Chief Minister. We are also collecting comprehensive information about the various doubts we have about NEP within our party. We have to follow certain procedures to reach the last person in need & the beneficiary of these schemes, that is why it's taking time," Sudhakar further said. He also said that although it is mentioned in our manifesto that Congress will scrap NEP and implement a State Education Policy, in the view of academic welfare of the students. (ANI)