Police on Friday seized over Rs 2.31 crores in cash and 1 kg of gold biscuits from a basement of the government office in Jaipur and detained eight people for questioning, a senior official said.
"More than Rs 2.31 crores cash and about 1 kg of gold biscuits have been found in a bag kept in a cupboard at the basement of the Government Office Yojana Bhawan in Jaipur," Anand Kumar Srivastava, Police Commissioner, Jaipur said. "Under 102 CrPC, police have seized these notes and a team has been found to investigate this matter," Srivastava said. "Around 7-8 people from the department have been detained for questioning,' he said. He said that CCTV footage will be analysed to get any clue in this case, adding that a detailed investigation has been initiated. Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot has also been informed regarding the same, he said. More details are awaited. (ANI)